MAPping Your Way to a Great Personal Statement

With the New Year nearly upon us, it is a good time to think about taking a fresh perspective on routine matters. For LL.M. candidates who are currently writing their LL.M. personal statements, it is the perfect season to think about adopting new approaches to that most dreaded of tasks.

The requirement to produce personal statements is not unique to LL.M. admissions.  Many other graduate schools require personal statements including masters programs, medical schools, and dentistry programs.

However, among non-law programs, one personal statement stands out in importance: the MBA personal statement.  For that reason, in seeking a fresh approach to the law school and LL.M. personal statement, there is no better place to turn than the MBA program.

One interesting approach to personal statements for MBA candidates is the MAP approach suggested by Linda Abraham, author of MBA Admission for Smarties: The No-Nonsense Guide to Acceptance at Top Business Schools.

MAP refers to the three critical elements of a personal statement: Motivation, Aspiration, and Perspiration.  Under Motivation, Linda Abraham advises candidates to indicate both why they have made the decisions they have and why they want to go into their chosen field.  For Aspiration, she recommends detailing what candidates aspire to do immediately after degree completion as well as in the long-run.  Finally, for Perspiration, she advises candidates to explain when, in the past, they have “sweated to achieve” as well detailing instances in which candidates have dedicated themselves to a cause or goal or “worked hard to make an impact and contribute.”

While the MAP approach is tailored to MBA students, much of the MAP approach is applicable to LL.M. personal statements.  LL.M. personal statements should similarly contain elements of Motivation from the MAP approach.  Candidates should explain why they chose to enter law school as well as indicate why they have chosen to practice a particular type of law, if they have made this decision.

However, in specifying these two decisions, there should be an emphasis on specific over generic answers.  Thus, explaining that one chose to go to law school to pursue justice is not as good as an answer as “I chose to attend law school to pursue the legal rights of vulnerable women after having volunteered at a shelter for abused women”.  Similarly, “I want to practice corporate law in order to maximize my earnings” is not as good an answer (even if completely accurate) as “I want to practice corporate law to play an instrumental role in developing cross-border transactions between my country – which has traditionally been a closed economy – and other economies”.

For Aspiration, the MAP approach is completely applicable to LL.M. personal statements.  Candidates should always detail both what they plan to do after completing their LL.M. as well what their ultimate career ambitions are.  More importantly, if candidates intend to return to their home country after degree completion this should always be specified. Many law schools are keen on having students transfer their knowledge to their home country.

Finally, the Perspiration element of the MAP approach can be similarly used by LL.M. candidates.  Explaining goals (in law school or in practice) candidates have achieved or areas of the law in which they have made an impact (including important transactions on which they have worked or cases in which they have made a contribution) may form a component of the personal statement. This can be an excellent way to show admissions committees candidates’ drive, ambition, work ethic, and potential for success.

The MAP approach is a handy mneumonic device for approaching personal statements.  Remembering its three essential elements can help drive personal statement drafting and elevate them to the level desired by admissions committees.


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